I can’t believe I haven’t written anything for this site in more than five months.

I don’t feel obligated to make a big deal about this (but also you know I do) but I realized during this not-so brief hiatus that I missed writing a lot.

On top of some of the very obvious reasons why I’ve written less (I got a job and moved to D.C.!!!), I realized that I’ve filled free time with reading contemporary romantic novels! In a world with so much despair and questions about our collective future, I’ve become very intentional about how I use my time.

Most of the articles on the site are articles I’ve written for other folks, musings of my own imagination about the greater pictures etc. etc. While those thoughts are never over (my brain doesn’t let me have peace), I would like to start doing more regular content again and decided that it’s all going to be ROM-COM RELATED.

If you know me well, or just know me from the Twitterverse, you know I love romcoms, the good, the bad, the ugly, the tragique, all of it! I’m thinking a half-review/half-response and commentary to books and movies (seeing as i’m consuming romcom content from both mediums).


I’ve been thinking of this for the past few weeks, and while not a huge update, I couldn’t think of a better time to announce while I was watching Ted Lasso. Because despite the odds and the world we live in today, I have to believe things will work out and people still fall madly in love every day. So here I go folks! INTO THE THICC OF IT!


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The Subversive Sitcom